BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions |
Comparing property values allows you to easily see the differences between the property values of two similar documents. It also allows you to update the property values in custom property sets of one of the documents with the values of the other document. You cannot update internal property values.
Note To update property values requires the Set Property Value privilege.
To compare document property values:
Select two documents and open the Compare dialog as described in Comparing documents.
Tip You can open the Compare Property Values dialog immediately by pressing the Ctrl key while clicking the Compare button .
The names and revision numbers of the selected documents are shown at the top of the dialog so that you can distinguish between the two documents. The names of each property used by the documents appear in the Property column below each document grouped by property sets, which appear as shaded rows. Properties that have the same value for both documents appear in black text in the Value column. Property values that are different between the two documents appear in red text. Properties that are empty display <No Value>. By default, only the properties in the Custom property set are shown.
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